Friday, September 4, 2009

Never a Dull Moment!

I don't sit still for long...probably never have--but this week and weekend are taking the cake! Last weekend we actually got a chance to spend some time at home, a night out with Drew's hockey team on Friday led to a long workday Saturday, a dinner-time picnic at the beach and then a night of relaxing before an awesome cross-ride on Sunday with the Sunday mountain bike crew. After the cross ride I got a couple hours of down-time that included a nap with Eric the cat and then an awesome dinner with Drew's mom at Il Terrazo.

This week at the shop has been busy with everyone hauling out their cross bikes and getting to work setting them up (check out for my cross-gear blog!). Requests for skills clinics have been crazy and Drew and I are planning on putting one on from the shop probably on Tuesday the 15th--we'll confirm closer to the date! This week Drew put on a private skills clinic with a few of our close friends so that we wouldn't embarass ourselves at this weekend's BC Cup in Langley, I forgot how hard it is to dismount, run barriers, and then re-mount. Talk about needing to work on my overall athleticism! Can you say bull in a china shop?

Now this weekend...socializing tonight (because we never have enough time for all of our people!) more riding and work tomorrow, a night of packing and race prep, and then off to Fort Langley bright and early for the first BC Cup Cross race of the year on Sunday.

Monday (Labour day!) is looking like it will come fast and be jam packed with the post-race sleepies, hopefully a ride, and then final prep for my 2pm flight to Montreal for 6 days! I'll be working in the Shimano booth for the Canadian Bicycle trade show again this year. Last year it was 4 amazing but exhausting days of set-up, product knowledge training, and then customer product run-throughs. I'm pretty sure I came home with almost no voice.

I'll try to post race results and updates on the week next week...but no promises! For anyone who will be heading to the nice to Gerry while I am away!

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